Rice Lake/Elm Creek Boating & Dock Reminders
This information was shared with the Rice Lake Area Association members on August 10, 2019 via e-mail.

The Rice Lake Board has received a higher number of boating related complaints this year. We’re not sure if its related, but we also had low member attendance at the 2019 annual meeting. Either way, we’d like to remind all members (and their children) about guidelines for boating on Rice Lake. Even though Rice Lake does not have Public Access, all Minnesota State Boating Laws apply to our lake.

Please see the attached documents for information regarding boating on the lake/creek.

  Rice Lake Area Association Board of Directors

RLAA Boating Guidelines.pdf (Rice Lake watercraft reminders)
Boatingguide.pdf (DNR overall document about boating)
Pwc-brochure.pdf (DNR document specific to Personal Water Craft (PWC)
* Rice Lake Buoy Locations

January 8, 2022
Thanks to RLAA Board Member Hente Braam for installing a red marker buoy denoting a large rock in the NE corner of the lake. This rock was exposed with the current 2021-22 drawdown and may cause issues for deep draft watercraft during low water periods.
City of Maple Grove Dock Regulations (2023)
June 2023 - Visit the City website for information about dock regulations on City of Maple Grove lakes.  City Code Section 22-96